If you want to support the Police in the NOPD’s 8th District, DONATE TO COPS 8!
Your donation to COPS 8 will help the 8th District Police improve their effectiveness in dealing with crime and quality of life issues in the 8th District. Since 2002, COPS 8 has been able to supply the 8th District with dozens of new computers and printers, new state-of-the-art camera equipment, special software for the detectives unit, station furnishings, and an array of useful vehicles, such as ATVs, scooters, bicycles, golf carts, and even horses! In addition, COPS 8 has contributed to the repair and maintenance of all kinds of equipment, organized food for the officers during high-stress events, and provided training opportunities, awards, and annual gift certificates to the 8th District police officers. Water, energy drinks, coffee, tea, and other beverages are kept available to the officers 24/7.
COPS 8 accepts donations for general use as well as for certain purposes. You are welcome to specify if you would like your donation to go toward a particular use.
You may make a secure online donation via PayPal by clicking on the donate button below. On the resulting PayPal page, you may enter the intention of your donation. Since COPS 8 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donation is tax-deductible. The federal tax ID number is 68-0530921.
If you would like to become a member of COPS 8, you may download a membership form.
Thank you for assisting the police in this very intense district which welcomes over 12 million visitors annually. That is a lot of people to keep safe!